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It is a company that carries out appraisals, which includes experts, controllers, managers and administrative personnel in charge of complying with the applicable valuation standards.

The Valuation Units are in charge at the national level of appraising or placing a “price” value on an asset and are subject to strict ethical and regulatory standards. They are autonomous entities regulated by the Federal Mortgage Society. They must be impartial and free of pressure to set a value.

In Mexico there are approximately 105 appraisals Units.

  1. Residential Real Estate Specialty
  2. Commercial Real Estate Specialty
  3. Industrial Real Estate Specialty
  4. Hotel Specialty
  5. Agricultural Specialty
  6. Machinery and Equipment Specialty

An appraisal has different purposes, among which the following stand out:

  • INFONAVIT, FOVISSSTE, Sofomes and Banking Mortgage Loans.
  • Decision making in Investment Funds.
  • National and international accounting standards.
  • Business asset portfolios.
  • Segmentation.
  • Advice on buying, selling and leasing.
  • Distribution of Patrimony / Inheritances.
  • Information analysis for decision making.
  • Determination of value for auctions and awards.
  • Bail bonds.
  • Tax appraisals.
  1. Scriptures
  2. Blueprints
  3. Property tickets
  4. Water tickets
  5. M2 of Land
  6. M2 of Construction
  7. Destination of the appraisal
  1. Real State
  2. Agricultural
  3. Agriculture and Fruit Growing
  4. Cattle raising
  5. Aquaculture and fishing
  6. Forestry
  1. Commercial Appraisal
  2. Fiscal or Cadastral Appraisal
  3. Bank appraisal (credit)
  4. Mortgage appraisal (guaranteed credit)
  5. Appraisal for insurance policies
  6. Appraisal for expropriation
  7. Appraisal for determination of income
  8. Estimation of Positioning Value (EVP)
  9. Advance Project Valuation (VAP, VPA or VTA)
  10. Proforma Real Estate Appraisal
  11. Real Estate Technical Report
  12. Investment Verification

A market study is a planning tool to optimize decision making and enhance the success of a project. In the real estate field, it is part of different phases such as the purchase of land, search for financing, validation of a preliminary project, assignment of better and more profitable uses, marketing and after-sales.

It is the stage in which all those elements that add or subtract value to the real estate must be observed, investigated and analyzed. Special attention must be paid to the urban characteristics and surroundings of the property.

  1. Market Focus (Comparative Market Value)
  2. Physical Approach (Physical or Direct Value)
  3. Income Capitalization Approach (Value per Income Capitalization)